May, 2024 Archive

Third Annual Sheep Shearing Shindig@City Farm SLO

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Gambol of the Lambs

Friday, May 17th, 2024

Sheep and Schubert

Lambs born Mother’s Day 2014.  Franz Schubert born 1797

Mother’s Day

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

I was looking forward to the regular Sunday Creek Freak work party at the Restoration and Enhancement project.  In addition to the four steady College Corps Fellows–including Kennedy, whom I’d seen in a fine performance of a bizarre play at the Spanos theatre the night before, plus grandson Lucas–two new volunteers had signed up.

Late in the previous week the unfinished tasks of moving tree trunks into position together with Josh and his Skid Steer and starting the contracted maintenance program of weeding the plantings, along with testing the irrigation system, were completed.


Earlier in the week the first field trip along the creek project led by Creek Lands Conservation took place, involving 60 fifth graders bussed in for three hours.


I’d been anxiously working toward these outcomes for months.
