April, 2014 Archive

Belize Expedition–Day 6

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

April 17

I wake up before sunrise and find a meditation spot under a palapa during a downpour. Soon the sun returns.

Lionel Webb photo

We decide to remain here one more day and enjoy a long leisurely morning.  Around noon, John, Eman and I head south on a winding white path straddling a long narrow isthmus.  We pass a young couple led by a Belizean toward one of the cabanas, and next, a fully developed boardwalk and harbor on the west side of the island invisible to us earlier.  Then, hidden by tall palms and casuarina trees, we come upon a huge conical thatch-roofed lodge.  We walk up the steps to a verandah surrounding a 50 foot conical dome held up by rafters lashed to a wooden circle near the peak.  A mastlike pole at the center supports a circular counter roofed by its own thatched palapa.

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The floor is a mosaic tiled with multicolored pieces of varnished hardwood. On one side of the dome is a large well-stocked bar, and opposite a small gift shop, and between them a couch, armchair, coffee-table arrangement, behind which is mounted a well-stocked bookshelf.  At the table sits a large bearded man typing on a Mac laptop. (more…)

Belize Expedition–Day 5

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

April 16 2014

After home-brewed coffee and breakfast of leftovers, Joe goes fishing in the single kayak, Peter rests”sensibly pacing himself after his major surgery and also recovering from a back injury”and the rest of us return to the south wharf to revisit yesterday’s snorkeling paradise.  We encounter a group of local conch fisherman just back from a dive with hundreds of the magic-looking creatures in the bottom of their boat.  One cracks a hole in the shell with a pointed hammer at specified spot just below the cap, another sticks in a knife and detaches the inhabitant from the shell, a third grabs hold of the slippery crustacean and yanks it out and then tosses the empty shell onto a huge pile serving as a breakwater, and a fourth slices the edible meat from the gristle and drops it on a mound in the bottom of the boat. As we swim out toward the breakers at the edge of the reef, they take off for another load.


Small children play in the water and a stingray with wings six feet wide glides by them coolly and disappears under the wharf. (more…)

Belize Expedition–Day 4

Monday, April 28th, 2014

April 15

I’m up early and meet the Di the cook bringing the coffee pot to the raised dining pavilion at 6:00 A.M. She and the staff drummed and danced till midnight and then went swimming, and she got up at 4:00 to start breakfast.  In answer to my questions she tells me some of her story, less carefree than her joyous presentation as cook.  She’s about to go home to her tiny village in the interior to see her grandson and three children.  Thirteen years ago she left her abusive husband after he hit her and she stabbed him with a kitchen knife, taking her kids and making her own way. Her sister, who was at the party last night and cooks at the adjoining resort, had a similar problem. After she saw her husband punch her, Di smashed his hand with a rock and won when the case went to court.


I hear screams in Creole and loud laughter from the men’s dormitory above the cook shack. (more…)

Belize Expedition–Day 3

Monday, April 28th, 2014

April 14

Sunrise to the east no less grand than last night’s sunset to the west.


After a breakfast featuring local bananas, pineapple, papaya, mango, and citrus, we’re offered a choice of activities. Joe and most of the men go out in a motor boat fishing with Mike and I choose paddle-board instruction with KIMike and several members of another tour group in a nearby wind-free lagoon.  It’s not hard for me to stand, paddle and learn some navigation tricks, but I refrain from trying a head stand and other balance poses choreographed by a yoga instructor in their party.

After fighting the wind on the way back, I meet Joe, whose first fishing experience has been getting a cut from snagging a big sting ray.

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The rest of his group have all caught fish. (more…)

Belize Expedition–Day 2

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

April 13, 2014

Breakfast of local sausage and eggs is served at 7:00 AM on the beachside palapa amid excited laughter.  We take our mountains of gear to the next door outfitter, Island Expeditions, where the staff is thoroughly relaxed but extremely organized about helping us sort out stuff to store for the duration, stuff going with us for the next two days at Glover’s Reef, and stuff they will bring to us along with the kayaks for our subsequent unguided adventure.





Then along with other trippers we’re ushered into the 600 HP Panga boat that takes us the 35 miles offshore to Glover’s, a large coral atoll outside the barrier reef.

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Belize Expedition–Day 1

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

April 11-12, 2014

Last minute shopping in San Luis Obispo”two Whisperlite stoves because John phoned from Dangriga and said the outfitters were wrong, there’s no butane available for the stoves we have”and coffee because Joe phoned from Idaho and said he forgot it. I exist in three places at once. Jan and I walk the dog while Ian’s at Seahawks swim practise and then go to the airport restaurant for dinner.  Depart 7:55 p.m., sleep on floor in LAX and Houston. On the Belize flight sit next to C¦ age 2 and his mom, S¦, a native Belizean living in L.A. heading home for a funeral. She works for County Mental Health processing children in foster homes. She got an AA degree as a paralegal but couldn’t find work before getting a government job with great benefits. A single mom, she’s now back in school studying computer science because present job is too depressing.

Reading Coral Reefs in a Microbial Sea (2010) on the Kindle–a book that combines a funny anecdotal narrative about goofy Oceanographic researchers with pretty hard science on the ecology of coral reefs and activist manifesto about climate change and overfishing. The reefs are in decline worldwide because of rising ocean temperatures and and acidification.  They are created by polyps (tiny animals) in symbiosis with algal zooxanthellae that generate energy through photosynthesis to build the calcium carbonate structures of the reef. Recalling the sadness of snorkeling at Playa del Carmen and Cozumel where I witnessed the bleached and crumbling coral five years ago during our trip for Emma’s wedding, the book reinforces my sense that we are in for a last chance experience, since there are some reefs where we are going still in good shape. (more…)

Belize Expedition–Preface

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 5:32 AM, Andrew Greenshaw ª<[email protected]> wrote:

what happened to sunny Belize?

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 11:40 AM, John Lunam ª<[email protected]> wrote:

I have connection to one of the Kayak tour operators down there, daughter of a friend, if there is interest I will pursue.

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Steven Marx ª<[email protected]> wrote:

This sounds worth alot of trouble to me:

On 27 August 2013 14:55, John Lunam ª<[email protected]> wrote:

Hello men,

Steven, the guy to call is my friend Rob’s son in law. He’s a Viking, just back from a visit to Norway. His name is Leif Sverre (Pronounced layff). His tel is 604-789-6092. His home here is in Pemberton, BC. Call him up guys and see what you can organize. I’m headed to Europe on a 3 week expedition. Here’s the link again to the website: http://www.islandexpeditions.com/leading-the-way/leading-the-way-to-adventure

On Aug 27, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Andrew Greenshaw wrote:

I like this option with this outfit…A VERY POPULAR TRIPPING OPTION,  FOR EXPERIENCED KAYAKERS ONLY , IS TO START WITH A 3 DAY / 2 NIGHT GUIDED AND CATERED STAY AT OUR LUXURY BASECAMP AT GLOVER’S REEF FOLLOWED BY A 6 NIGHT  SELF-GUIDED  KAYAK TRIP ON THE MAIN REEF! – See more at: http://www.islandexpeditions.com/our-trips/belize-vacations/glovers-getaway-and-kayak-rental-combo/trip-summary#sthash.HZtsjCX3.dpuf


What do you think,

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 3:23 PM, Steven Marx ª<[email protected]> wrote:

Hello men

I like Andy’s choice.  Here’s a map allowing for some initial orientation, showing Glover’s Atoll (or Reef, I assume) and Lighthouse Atoll, among others.


At this point it would be good to learn 1) which of you are seriously interested 2) if you have preferences for an alternate option, and 3) what dates you’d consider going, the more of them the better.   I’ll collect the information on a spreadsheet.
