June 27 1975
Friday, June 27th, 1975The Ashley drying the house. I sit by it with a purring kitten and a cup of lemon grass tea. Grey and green. Rain for the last two weeks. The sunshine that made us long for cover now a nostalgic memory. Days when I felt like Adam before the fall: cultivating my garden, prospering. My response was fear and guilt.
The horses race around the pasture, the beat of their hooves shakes the ground. The two billy goat kids moan quietly because of the rubber castrating rings I’ve just put on them. I’m minding the store: the goats, the garden, the chickens, the fire, the laundry, the boy. My mind spills venom. Where are my plans and aspirations?
Psalm 131
Lord my heart is not haughty
Nor mine eyes lofty; neither
Do I exercise myself in great matters or in things too high for me.
Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother.
My soul is even as a weaned child.